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Lucha Talk

Feb 8, 2017

Lucha Talk returns with all 3 men of the Trios together again, talking about a lot of topics as the saga between AAA and its former talents continues, the saga between Pierroth & Diamante Azul continues, & the saga between Blue Demon and all sorts of people continues as the guys delve into topics including: - AAA's legal quests against Los Lucha Brothers - Zorro exiting AAA for The Crash - Lucha Underground's Return Date as well as getting on Netflix - Lucha Memes' Chairo8 - Luchadores/Luchadoras WrestleMania Weekend Announcements - CMLL comings and goings, including how we ended up with Pierroth & Diamante Azul as our main feud for Dos Leyendas - Torneo Increible de Parejas this week - Story Time with Carístico - Major Blue Demon Telenovela update, now with 50% more Black Wind Follow us all and message us on Twitter @DylanZero0615 - @therealfredo - @LIGERFEVER & spread the word to keep supporting Lucha Talk & Lucha Libre!